Saturday, May 28, 2011

How are you doing?

Many times we get real focused on all the things going on around us.  We think alot about how things are affecting those in and around us....when things get crazy with others it can be hard to remember that we need to keep a temperature check on ourselves as well.

If you really want to be able to help others you have to always make sure you are keeping yourself in check.

It is kind of like the concept on the airplane when they tell you to get yourself oxygen before the kids you might be flying with.....everything within us tells us that seems out of whack.  It makes sense can't help anyone else if you are laying on the floor.

I encourage you to make sure you are doing what it takes to keep yourself mentally and emotionally fit along with you physical fitness...very hard to get all aligned but if you try to keep those three things in line you should see trmendous results.

Stay balanced and remember it is not selfish to make sure you are OK!

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