Sunday, November 27, 2011

To start or take a long break...that is the question!

So the long break we all enjoy around Turkey Day is winding to a close!  Now is time for the decision.  Do you shut it down and enjoy the next few weeks of partying, eating and being a bit lazy or do you get back on the horse and watch what you eat the next three weeks and stay active before many of the holiday celebrations begin.

I am a HUGE proponent of staying focused on your food and fitness regiment over the next few weeks.  My strategy the last few years is to stay focused until I take off for the holidays....I have a wonderful 10 days or so around Christmas and New Year's that I will chill out and enjoy food and fellowship.

No need to make it a month long event that will take three months to bounce back from....I would rather enjoy ten days of rest and relaxation and fight my way back in three weeks.

All of us have our own strategy.  As long as you understand the more time you take to enjoy things and slow things down multiply by about three in the time it will take to bounce back.

There is no right or wrong plan of attack just have a plan of attack!

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