Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Money can buy happiness!

What did he just say?

Yes I said money can buy we head into summer and many people take vacations I thought I would share this new finding.

If you are looking for a car or a new electronic gadget....the money involved there probably isn't going to buy happiness......when you purchase or spend money on things you will usually at some point need a replacement and there is always buyer's remorse or the product defaulting.

Where money may be able to buy happiness is when it is spent on an event or vacation with family or friends...these things are going to make memories and are very important to us.

This goes to show that you don't need to stress over thngs ....... put money and efforts into going places and doing things with people that mean a lot to you....those experiences will create lasting memories.

See I wasn't as crazy as you expected!

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