Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Choosing to get off the pony or........

falling off the pony!

Make sure you get back on!

This is the week most people will get back into a normal routine post holidays.  That being said as people simulate back into real life it is very hard to get back at your fitness/nutrition regiment if you decided to take a break or if you just fell off the pony with all the temptations of sweets and laziness the holidays can bring.

The bottom line is you must decide for yourself to get back into some type of routine whether that is better food choices or more activity.  Only you can decide what the proper equation is for you.  All I will tell you is that by the end of this week you should make a decision to eith er get back into the swing of things or risk falling out of the cycle all together.


  1. Thanks for sharing on FB! I've read through several posts and they are so true! Thanks for the encouraging inspiration to keep making those little changes.

  2. I have told everyone...not as much what is said as having some people around to say it with!
